1). Master of Science (Precision Medical Microbiology) (International program) (2 years)
• Number of students accepted/year: 10-15 persons
• Qualifications of the applicants: the applicant must hold a Bachelor’s degree in microbiology or other science-related discipline or be a senior student in a Bachelor of Science program with an expected grade point average of not less than 2.5
• GPA not less than 2.5
2). Doctor of Philosophy (Precision Medical Microbiology) (International program) (3-4 years)
• Number of student accepted/year: 3-5 persons
• Qualifications of the applicants: the applicant must hold a Master’s degree in
microbiology or other science-related discipline and have a grade point average of not less than 3.25; or hold a Bachelor’s degree in microbiology or other science-related or be a senior student in a Bachelor of Science program with an expected grade point average of not less than 3.25
• GPA not less than 3.25